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Olympic Flame Poland
A plus C SystemsSponsor
A plus C Systems Icon
Statlook is one of the most innovative and fastest evolving IT management tool. Many features and solutions that were first introduced in statlook are now making their way to other management tools. We have more than 6500+ Customers. Certified for Windows Huge community with just one goal – to manage IT better! Main features of statlook software:1. Monitor how users utilize IT assetsClear reports on the applications used, websites visited, work breaks, documents printed or the performed operations on external drives give you the necessary knowledge.2. Manage all PCs remotelyAll computers can be managed remotely, without any need to change location, which is particularly beneficial in large buildings or departments in multiple locations. Pure comfort and saving your precious time!3. Prevent data leakageDLP features such as gathering data about the external data storage devices use, monitoring users activity and performing scheduled audits, make the infrastructure safer.4. Hardware Inventory & ManagementManage your hardware remotely, use 1-click filters, ready-made reports and QR codes for greater comfort. The intuitive interface will make your tasks easy.Use one comprehensive tool for IT management and do not worry about compatibility or interactions between multiple apps.5. Software Asset Management (SAM)Manage your licenses and applications together with information on their use. Be well prepared for any license compliance check you migh
+48 12 630 97 45 | View ProfileKrakow, Malopolskie Poland
SaaS Genius Software ReviewsSponsor
SaaS Genius Software Reviews Icon
We’re on a mission to make finding the right business software easier and less time-consuming. We work with hundreds of companies and integrate with third-party service providers to give you the perfection and simplicity you deserve. SaaS Genius lets you find the right software for your business. Browse our software directory for free and find software solutions tailored to your needs.
View ProfileWarszawa, Poland
tiskel Icon
TISKEL DS is a modern taxi dispatch software operating in cloud. More than 40% of taxi companies in Poland and Latvia work successfully using that solution. Over 750 parameters make it fully customizable. All you need from a dispatch software you will find in TISKEL DS at reasonable prices.
0048796024370 | View ProfileWroclaw, Wroclaw Poland
Windows 10 pro oem Korean dvd coa sticker | COA SoftwareSponsor
windows 10 pro oem Korean dvd coa sticker | COA Software Icon
windows 10 pro oem package Korean language
+8618025486806 | View Profilewarsaw, Poland
GstarCAD Icon
GstarCAD jest oprogramowaniem sluzacym do projektowania 2D/3D. Cechuje go niska cena, dlugowieczna licencja, wydajny i intuicyjny interfejs, innowacyjne funkcje oraz bezproblemowa i skuteczna prace z plikami typu DWG/DXF. GstarCAD to idealne rozwiazanie dla poczatkujacych oraz doswiadczonych projektantów. Poza tym program posiada bloki dynamiczne, porównywanie rysunków, wyodrebnianie danych, skalowanie obiektów wzgledem jednej osi.
12 312 59 93 | View ProfileKraków, Poland
Gstar CADSponsor
Gstar CAD Icon
GstarCAD jest oprogramowaniem sluzacym do projektowania 2D/3D. Cechuje go niska cena, dlugowieczna licencja, wydajny i intuicyjny interfejs, innowacyjne funkcje oraz bezproblemowa i skuteczna prace z plikami typu DWG/DXF. GstarCAD to idealne rozwiazanie dla poczatkujacych oraz doswiadczonych projektantów. Poza tym program posiada bloki dynamiczne, porównywanie rysunków, wyodrebnianie danych, skalowanie obiektów wzgledem jednej osi.
12 312 59 93 | View ProfileKraków, Poland
Woodpecker.coSponsor Icon is a follow-up automation SaaS founded in 2015. We're an international team of 45, speaking 6 languages. Our mission is to enable all B2B companies to connect with their ideal customers.Phone: +48 500730530
+48 500730530 | View ProfileWroclaw, Dolnoslaskie Poland
Apphawks S.C. Grzegorz Klos Bartosz ZielonkaSponsor
Apphawks S.C. Grzegorz Klos Bartosz Zielonka Icon
Apphawks is a software testing house based in Poland. Their services include automation testing, manual testing, and documentation.
48 602 143 101 | View ProfilePoznan, Poland
HuskyJam Icon
We help our Clients in matters of digital transformation and increasing software development opportunities. HuskyJam is a team of software development experts. We solve the business problems of customers, rather than focusing on a specific technology.
+48669291634 | View ProfileWarsaw, Poland
Fireart StudioSponsor
Fireart Studio Icon
Fireart Studio is a boutique design and software development company based in Poland. Since 2013, we have already delivered 700+ successful projects for 200+ forward-thinking startups and big brands around the globe. We do not only create a beautiful design and software, we really take time to understand your business.
+48222086111 | View ProfileWarsaw, Poland
Annata Icon
Annata is a Microsoft GISV (Global Independent Software Vendor) since 2001. We focus on delivering end-to-end information technology solutions for the Automotive, Equipment and Medical Device industries. Annata relies on Microsoft technologies and innovation to accelerate the development of the Annata 365 vertical business solutions on top of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Application Platform. Annata is a global organization based in Iceland with a close engagement and co-operation with Microsoft bringing industry specific solutions to the market. Microsoft has recognized Annata as an “Inner Circle” member, a status extended to the top 1% Microsoft Dynamics partners worldwide.
View ProfileWarsaw, Poland
Innowise GroupSponsor
Innowise Group Icon
Innowise Group is a custom software development company based in Warsaw, Poland, with additional offices in Germany, Lithuania, Switzerland, Italy, Georgia, and the USA. With more than 1000 specialists on board and 600 projects completed, we use cutting-edge technologies to transform our client's businesses. We are experts in the design and development of tech solutions that will help your company enhance its processes and increase customer satisfaction thanks to our 15+ years of experience and extensive expertise. We create custom software that is made to fit your unique requirements in terms of timeline, budget, and use case. We handle every step of the development process, from product concept and development to testing, deployment, and support. In addition to building custom software, we also excel in UX/UI design, IT strategy consulting, and staff augmentation.
+48 517 988 081 | View ProfileWarsaw, Poland
LeanCode Icon
The technology stack we use is one of our most important business decisions. We spend a lot of time thinking about what technologies are best for each project and why. In addition, with the Software House in Warszawa, Mazowieckie at LeanCode also selects the technology stack based on its effectiveness for that specific project. We do this because we want our technology solutions to be effective and easy to use for our customers. LeanCode is a software studio with a young and ambitious team of 50+ people working hand in hand on innovative digital ventures. We work for startups and corporate new ventures building digital ventures together. We are passionate about building great software for our clients, collaborating closely with them throughout the process, and working hard to deliver the best possible product. Every project starts from the very beginning. We have an impact on product development, design the system architecture, and select the technology stack. You have the power to bring new and exciting ideas to life.
+48 605 100 922 | View ProfileWarszawa, MAZOWIECKIE Poland
GraphQL EditorSponsor
GraphQL Editor Icon
GraphQL Editor is an online GraphQL IDE that lets you generate schema using visual blocks, preview frontend as a live JAMstack engine, connect and use a mock backend, enjoy programatically generated documentation and a lot more. Check out our feature rich GraphQL environment and find out yourself!
View ProfileBialystok, Poland
Aexol Icon
Aexol combines in-depth knowledge of software development processes with a practical and performance focused technology stack. We consistently receive positive product reviews from our customers, because we view every partnership as something to be cultivated long-time. Our approach is always aimed at providing practical solutions to our partners business needs.
View ProfileBialystok, Poland
BiXBiT Icon
The profit of the miner depends on the capabilities of the selected equipment. At the same time, the real headache is overheating and huge electricity bills. BiXBiT provides immersion cooling equipment and firmware for ASICs, which help overclock ASIC for mining.
View ProfileSokolka, Poland
Dealavo Icon
Price monitoring tool for brands and retailers with a Dynamic Pricing feature.
+1 650 509 5006 | View ProfileWarsaw, Poland
BLACKDALE Software houseSponsor
BLACKDALE Software house Icon
Agencja internetowa Blackdale specjalizuje sie w projektowaniu stron internetowych, tworzeniu sklepów internetowych oraz swiadczeniu uslug identyfikacji wizualnej dla firm. Firma Blackdale scisle wspólpracuje z klientami, aby zrozumiec ich potrzeby i cele, a nastepnie projektuje i rozwija profesjonalne strony internetowe i projektuje sklepy internetowe, które sa atrakcyjne wizualnie, przyjazne dla uzytkownika i zoptymalizowane pod katem sprzedazy. Ponadto, oferuja uslugi identyfikacji wizualnej, takie jak projektowanie logo, schematy kolorów i materialy marketingowe. Agencja Interaktywna Blackdale stara sie, aby proces byl jak najbardziej bezstresowy, i wychodzi naprzeciw swoim klientom, by odpowiedziec na pytania i zapewnic wsparcie podczas calego procesu. Ich zaangazowanie i doswiadczenie juz od kilku lat pomaga firmom odniesc sukces online.
+48 576 606 618 | View ProfileWarsaw, Poland
SmokeD Icon
SmokeD is on the forefront of wildfire detection technology. Our AI-based system detects fires within minutes and sends alerts to reduce potential risks to people and property. Our mission is to protect people and the environment by increasing safety in high-risk areas. Join us in our efforts to fight wildfires and make the world a safer place.
View ProfileBialystok, Podlaskie Poland
solv Icon
SOLV agencja interaktywna, zajmujemy sie kompleksowa obsluga klientów w dziedzinie marketingu internetowego. Tworzymy strony internetowe oraz sklepy internetowe, które sa skrojone pod indywidualne potrzeby klienta. Wspieramy naszych klientów w procesie projektowania, tworzenia i wdrazania, aby pomóc im w osiagnieciu celów biznesowych.Pozycjonujemy strony i sklepy internetowe, specjalizujemy sie w optymalizacji tresci, aby zapewnic wysoka pozycje w wynikach wyszukiwania dla wybranych slów kluczowych. Dzieki temu nasi klienci moga skutecznie pozyskiwac nowych klientów, zwiekszac ruch na swoich stronach i poprawiac swoja widocznosc w sieci.Tworzenie kampanii reklamowych w Google i Facebook to kolejny wazny element naszej pracy. Projektujemy kampanie reklamowe, które skutecznie przyciagaja uwage potencjalnych klientów, a takze optymalizujemy ich wyniki. Dzieki naszym uslugom nasi klienci moga zwiekszyc swoja widocznosc w sieci, zwiekszyc sprzedaz i zbudowac pozytywny wizerunek swojej marki.Wszystkie nasze dzialania opieraja sie na bliskiej wspólpracy z klientem, który jest dla nas najwazniejszy. Nasza agencja interaktywna oferuje pelen pakiet uslug, które pozwalaja naszym klientom skutecznie dzialac w sieci i osiagac swoje cele biznesowe.
View Profilewarsaw, Poland
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